
Trips down memory lane.

May 24th, 2021

Self aware / highly introspective
Incisive / sharp analytical mind
Assertive, yet reasonable
Passionate, yet patient
Humble, yet confident

Self assured but not obnoxious

Spontaneous but not reckless

Protective but not controlling
Tactful & sensible
Subtle & clever sense of humor / wit

Charismatic / carries themselves with pride 

Commands respect / do as they say
Intelligent / curious / inquisitive mind
Well read / educated / cultured / refined
Well travelled / open minded / tolerant
Well spoken / expresses cleanly & eloquently / impeccable with words
Brilliant / driven / purposeful
Adaptable / strong faith in the process
Self reliant / resourceful / optimistic
Thoughtful / charming / attentive
Committed / determined / loyal
Gentle & loving

Imaginative & creative
Values privacy & alone time
Values new & unique experiences
Values romance & creating memories
Values conscious living, shopping, & sustainability
Deeply connected to nature

Willing to learn

Striving for adequate balance between work, rest & play

Moved by art, literature, film, music, beauty, authenticity, bravery, & social justice
Unplugged from the social media matrix / grounded / present

Perceives intuition as highest authority / strong sense of self 

Discerning / activated third eye
Adventurous with food / travels / sex
Free spirited / full of surprises
Works / design / creates with their hands in one way, shape, or form
Cerebral / robust circuit of neural pathways / academically informed
Genuine interest in politics, social issues, non profit involvement / support
Genuine helper / selfless / giving
Sensual / romantic / sexual
Great dance partner / versatile / not so serious
Excellent kisser / cuddler
Responsible & mature

Fluid & down to earth
Values original traditions & ritual making
Value self development & spiritual growth
Great attention to details / good memory
Strong integrity / morality / ethics
Doesn’t look but sees
Doesn’t hear but listen
Strategic planner / multiplier
Trustworthy / dependable / pragmatic 

Straightforward / honest
Bold / daring 
Enjoys a good intellectual debate

Doesn’t take things personally

Can work through triggers and blockages
Can handle being challenged
Gentlemen-like / sweet / caring
Emotionally available
Emotionally aware
Fair / empathetic
Respectful / kind

Someone tell me?

Is it too much for a girl to ask…


Exactly a year ago today, I wrote this entry in my journal. Lately I’ve been revisiting old notes and I’ve reached the conclusion that I should share them because… I mean - wow. It’s quite fascinating to observe my state of mind then versus now - what was shed, what has stuck or developed since then. I’m so grateful to be standing where I am today. Here’s to rolling with the punches, learning, growing, and expanding in love. Over the next couple of weeks I’ll be uploading and reflecting on past journal entries from May and June of last year. Looking forward to it!

#ThenVsNow #NeedsVsWants #NarcAbuse #CoDependency #HealingProcess #SelfHealing #SelfInquiry #SelfCare #SelfLove #SelfReclamation #RadicalHonesty #MetaCognition #HealthyTools #DailyPractice #EmptyTheMind #FollowYourIntuition #TrustTheProcess #SeekAndFind #AllIsWell #Journaling #Unpacking #Reflecting #Learning #Growing #Thriving #WriteItOut #FeelItOut #DoWhatYouGottaDo #ThankYouMorePlease

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