
More life!

Yo, I feel so good right now!

This whole use of a blog as a journal and actively, publicly, shamelessly heal challenge / crazy ass mission is going to have me transformed by January 1st! I’m already feeling brand new. The past has lost so much of its weight in recent weeks; certain events are beginning to feel like a distant dreams. They’ve happened and it’s okay; now we’re here. I already make a regular practice of journaling but this commitment is really forcing me to go in depth and spell out all of my feelings. It’s an amalgamation of new things rising to the surface as well as partially or poorly processed emotions from past experiences and the more I write the freer I feel. Thinking or feeling something is one thing. Verbalizing that thought or feeling is another. There’s something magical about writing it all down. In doing so, it is released with love and cleared up with understanding. It is the best form of therapy I could have given myself and I motherfucking deserve it. Pain has cleared the way for relief and clarity has set in; I’m so grateful for the breathe. Happy birthday to me. I’m officially thirty one years old - what a trip. Thanking my dearest angels, spirit guides, beloved ancestors and ascended masters for their precious guidance. The Universe is my cocoon - it holds all that supports me amd my evolution. Cheers to health, wealth, vision, faith and steady growth! To many more solar returns on this incomprehensibly gorgeous planet we call Earth.

#BirthdayPost #BirthdayGirl #MoreLife #MotherEarth #DailyMiracles #SolarReturn #WholeWoman #FreeSpirit #HighestSelf #HappinessIsAChoice #NaturalBornHealer #ThankYouMorePlease #SelfLove #BestLove #GeminiSeason #HeyokaEmpath #SigmaFemale #INFJ

Also, this right here is the best birthday song I’ve heard to date! Prove me wrong - I’ll wait. :)

About to eat a cranberry orange scone and count my blessings while I visualize the life of my dreams and the person I want to be a year from now. Tomorrow, I’m only going to make time for things that make me feel like the DIVINE creature that I AM.

#OnBeing #JustGonnaExist #LifeIsSweet #SpiritIsReal #TrustTheProcess #CountYourBlessing #CatchAndRelease #AskAndReceive

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