
You’ve got mail!

Today, for the very first time, I received an email from a woman who landed on my blog and elected to reach out to me. That’s quite something. I had said to myself and publicly professed in my introductory post that if my words were to reach only one person I would consider this work, this commitment, a success. If writing about my personal experience and recovery could help just one other being crawl out of the darkness that is emotional neglect, physical abuse, chronic illness and depression, my mission would be accomplished. Well, here we are… From Spring to Summer, it has come full circle. To be accurate, back when I had what would qualify as a public meltdown on social media - or a cry for support, depending on how you view it - a handful of women have made themselves known to me and shared their grief. Some I knew. Some I had never met and wasn’t connected to in any capacity - hashtags were the glue. However, this is the first communication I receive from someone who didn’t come across my story via Instagram or Facebook but instead followed a trail starting from a support group and women healing circle I’ve created on a completely separate platform which I, myself, had never been an active user of until very recently. It is actually through that channel that I connected with A & R, two of the most genuine, transparent and giving souls I have in my present entourage. The two of them have found me there and have stepped into my life with both feet but they didn’t spend time on my website. Instead, they find my support group and messaged me directly on that platform without much digging involved. We have gotten to know one another through personal exchanges / time spent together. Anyhow, this approach is new and feels a bit different. I honestly didn’t expect it to happen so soon, if at all. I imagined that the whole year was likely to go by without me receiving any tangible feedback and I was okay with because as much as I want to put myself out there to express myself and potentially help other being navigate their own trauma and pain, parts of me feel quite comfortable with not putting myself out there and preserving my energy. My friend do not read these posts and I do not talk about this work with them. It’s something I do for myself without attaching any expectation to it. If they do read them, I have no knowledge of it and it’s probably better that way. Our conversations revolve around current endeavors, struggles and accomplishments. We chat about our spiritual journey, about our individuals practices and tools, about our goals, about our health, about what the future may hold. We hold space for each other but are forward thinking and instinctively refuse to dwell in the past. We chat about love, laugh and break bread together. We discuss our trigger and our family dynamics. We share music, articles and sacred texts with each other. We check in on each other and keep each other accountable. Each one of us truly seeks to find value and beauty in the present moment. So yeah, I’ve been doing this for the sake of cleansing myself, first and foremost, but it brings me joy to see that my harvest can also be someone else’s during a storm - I’m always glad to share. The healing bestowed upon me from simply writing my feelings down and releasing them into the void has been the great prize, but an even bigger reward is being able to stretch past myself and into another being. Engaging in conversations with strangers who may have taken a similar path and being given the opportunity to connect from a place of intimate and painful truth so as to foster each other’s healing is the motherfucking cherry on top. It is more fuel than I needed to carry on for the rest of the year - perhaps, well beyond that. We’ll see. Taking it day by day. 

#ThankYouMorePlease #FeelYou #FeelMe #LawOfOne #NPDAwareness #NPDSurvivor #ClusterB #PersonalityDisorder #MalignantNarcissism #CovertNarcissism #PervertNarcissism #WolfInSheepsClothing #MaskOn #MaskOff #CPTSD #TraumaHealing #ShadowWork #InnerChild #HealingJourney #ActiveHealing #LifeAfterNarc #PatternBreaking #DarkestCurse #GreatestGift #Training #Illumination #Truth #Opportunity #InvestigateYourself #UnderstandYourself #AcceptYourself #HonorYourself #HealYourself #LoveYourself #CreateYourself #ProtectYourself #TrustYourself

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